Community Outreach
Foreign Missions
Claver House John Yates
Peace & Justice Sr. Nancy Westmeyer
Social Concerns K. Laverne Redden
St. Vincent de Paul Ronald Todd
Food Pantry K. Laverne Redden
Health & Wellness
Consolation Ministry TBD
Health & Wellness Monica Holiday-Goodman
Parish Nurse Ministry Kathy Jeffery
Prayer Shawl Martha Cotton
Faith Formation
Catechetics Director Sr. Janice Rospert
Evangelization Vivian Johnson
NIA (Youth) Facilitator Khristyn Grant
RCIA Ellen Jones
Social Justice
Choir Director Ryan Thomas
Women of Grace Charlotte Boyd
Hispanic Ministry Celeste Ocha-Williams
Liturgy Committee Sandra Donnell
Ushers Kathy Jeffery
Eucharist Sr. Virginia Welsh
Altar Servers Patti Majer
Rosary Altar Society
Carol Jackson President
About: Social Ministries, Multicultural Ministries, and Affiliate Organizations
Social Concerns
It is the mission of Social Concerns to serve and minister with a Christian perspective to people in need. With
respect, we encourage clients to be self-reliant and practice self-development by setting personal goals using
their God-given gifts, talents, and abilities. Contact: K. LaVerne Redden 419-241-4581
St. Vincent de Paul
The St. Vincent de Paul Society is a Catholic lay organization that offers person-to-person service to those who
are needy and suffering. They provide assistance for a variety of needs, including assistance with utility bills
and rent. Although the Society normally works within parish boundaries, any person in need should call for
clarification of services to be offered. Members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society are at the Parish Center from
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. on the first and second Mondays of each month and from 1:00-3:00 p.m. on the third and
fourth Mondays. They serve people by appointment. Please call for an appointment and/or for clarification of
services and required documentation. 419-241-4544. Contact: Anita Garraway
Food Pantry
St. Martin de Porres Community Pantry is a member agency that provides food to clients free of charge. To
secure an appointment for the Pantry, please call 419-241-4581 on the Wednesday before you wish to come.
The pantry is open Thursdays from 12:30-2:00 p.m., on the last three Thursdays of the month. Emergency
food is also provided as requested. It also receives client referrals for food from other agencies. (e.g. Job and
Family Services, First Call for Help, and from other parishes and churches.) The Pantry services approximately
50-60 families per week. Contact: K. LaVerne Redden. 419-241-4581.
Claver House
The Claver House is an all-volunteer program that provides breakfast to all people who come through the doors.
Hot breakfast five days a week! No requirements except to be hungry! Open from 8:00-10:00 a.m. Monday-
Friday. Contact: Andy Young, 419 241 4544
St. Martin de Porres Community Center
The St. Martin de Porres Community Center exists to extend the mission of St. Martin de Porres Parish by
providing affordable, safe, welcoming spaces for activities that will fulfill the growing needs of the community
for present and future generations. The Core Values are: Valued Partnerships, Transforming lives, Spirit-filled.
For information call Adrienne Castellanos at the parish office 419 241 4544 and leave a message.
The Padua Center
The Padua Center is an educational outreach located on the southern border of the parish, 1416 Nebraska Ave.
After school tutoring is provided, as well as The Potters Garden Club, Emerging Young Ladies, summer camps
and The Kwanzaa Park Neighbors who meet on the first Thursday of each month from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. as a
Blockwatch and also as a neighborhood gathering. The Kwanzaa Park neighbors host a Chicken Fest each
summer and Kwanzaa celebrations in December. (The February and March meetings are held at 12:00 p.m.
because of winter darkness.) The Padua Center has many short term programs. For information and a current
list of programs call 419-241-6465.
Other Programs held at The Padua Center (1416 Nebraska Ave.)
NA – Sundays from 3:30-5:00 p.m.
For information on The Padua Center and its program call: 419 241 6465
Black Catholic Ministry
The Black Catholic Ministry of St. Martin de Porres Parish provides ethnically based celebrations and
educational opportunities for members of the parish. Highlighting the contributions of African Americans and
working with the liturgy committee two special liturgies are planned each year.
On the first Sunday of November the parish celebrates its founding and feast day. Parishioners wear ethnic
clothing and weave together the rich gifts of the African American, the Hispanic and other cultures. The
celebration usually includes a guest presider or preacher, praise dance, lively music and is followed by a potluck
dinner. During the fall of the year the Black Catholic Ministry arranges for a revival. This revival is a highlight
of the autumn season. A guest preacher invigorates the congregation to live the spirit of Jesus in the world.
The parish celebrates Black Month with another special liturgy and on the last Sunday of February at 5:00 p.m.
host An Evening with the Toledo Symphony. The Black Catholic ministry also arranges for parishioners to
attend various conferences and congresses that emphasize the gifts of the Black Community to the church.
Contact: Rose Parker.
Hispanic Ministry
The rich music, the beautiful language, the rhythmic dancing and the colorful clothing of the Hispanic culture
are highlighted on two Sundays during the year. In July the parish celebrates the canonization of St. Juan Diego
and in December we honor Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. After the bi-lingual Mass,
Mexican food is served and entertainment is provided. Contact: Celeste Ochoa- Williams
Rosary Altar Society
The Rosary Altar Society (RAS) aspires to unite and strengthen the women of the community of St. Martin de
Porres to respond to the needs of the church and society in the modern world and to fulfill their role as
“Servants of the Lord, Sharing the Light.” Membership is open to all women of the parish. Monthly meetings
are held after Sunday Mass, as scheduled.
The Rosary Altar Society coordinates hospitality after Sunday Mass, provides for funeral repast luncheons,
leads the rosary before Sunday Mass in May and October, conducts an annual ecumenical “Stand up Sisters”
Retreat Day of Reflection and Renewal, and collaborates with other parish ministries on programs and projects.
Contact: Ellen Jones
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus, #386 includes men from St. Martin de Porres Parish. For information about joining
contact Robert McMahon through the parish, or facebook/kofc386.